My favorite part about my trip to the East Cape was the day. We started driving at 9:30 and since there was only 2 seats in the back I got to sit up in the front next to my mom and dad. After about 3 hrs of driving we reached Napier I site. After we figured out some nice places to visit my dad when to go mail postcards while my brothers, mom, and me went to find a playground to play on for a while and it was a very fun playground. After my dad found us we went back into the camper van and drove 40 more minutes to are campsite on the lake. By then it was getting dark so there was really nothing nothing to do. The campsites weren’t very good either. We had to drive out of one because we thought we were not going to be able to drive out in the morning. Since you have to keep the trunk open when you cook, we thought that the light would attract bugs because it was dark, we just decided to have sandwiches. After we had to go to the bathroom and when we were walking we passed something to hold your fish when you were cleaning them my mom freaked out my brothers and I by asking if it was a grave. After that we went back to the camper van and read until it was time for bed. My brothers and I got to sleep on the top and my mom and dad slept on the bottom. We did learn to get to our camp site before it got dark.
The End.